In a new installment of Delphine Films, they present a heartbreak story. The story is about a couple who is been married for years. Tennessee native Anna Claire Clouds plays a model who is married to a photographer played by Las Vegas resident Damon Dice. The scene starts with Damon taking pictures of Anna. Damon answers the phone and is booking a new gig.
While hearing the conversation, Anna is tired to feel second best, and she communicates that to Damon. She confesses she’s tired of the relationship that she feels used to and unappreciated. Damon’s character only focused is on working on his photography career. She feels like an object in the relationship. This sparks an emotional argument where Anna Claire Clouds and Damon Dice show their acting skills. “Everyone on set had chills after watching them perform. They are both natural born actors, and we were stunned by how well the scene was” a rep from the company said.
Anna Claire Clouds started as a fitness model now is one of the most requested performers of this year and this is her first scene for Delphine. Damon Dice is a Delphine Films Veteran already being part of over 4 movies with the company. “Their chemistry is out of this world. This is an emotional romantic drama scene with strong acting and contagious performance energy that is rarely seen in the adult films.” Said Bloomer Yang in house director of Model Media US.
Watch “Object” on subscription website Delphine Films