In a new installment of Delphine films directed by Bloomer Yang “Late Shift” is the latest release of the production company. The movie features Latina bombshell Vanessa Vega next to Alex Jones. This film starts with Alex who is working the late shift in what seems to be an internet cafe. He is watching Vanessa in one of her famous scenes while he is playing with himself to completion. After he goes back to the front desk where he looks sleepy. What seems to be a dream come true and pornstar Vanessa Vega is in front of him. This music video format plays with the lighting and cinematography to portray an erotic fantasy most have, which is having your dream girl in front of you. His fantasy turns into a reality, and they both end up performing a very intense sex scene. “It was our first time working with Vanessa and Alex and they were amazing, professional and so fun to work with, definitely will cast again”—Said Bloomer Yang.
Watch the full movie now streaming on the subscription website
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